You Can Restore Your Smile

If you're missing a tooth or several teeth, you may be reluctant to fill in those gaps with dentures. This isn't uncommon: dentures are notoriously high-maintenance and uncomfortable, and they require constant adjustments to accommodate the inevitable recession of Dental Implantsthe bony gum ridges onto which they fit. But what if you were to learn that you could legitimately replace the entire structure of your missing teeth, and only you and your dentist would know the difference? With dental implants, this could be a reality for you! Dr. Michelle Mottinger, your Greensboro, North Carolina dentist, offers these amazing restorations to her patients who want to replace their teeth attractively, seamlessly, and comfortably.

Why should I replace my missing teeth?
If you've been missing a permanent tooth for a long time, you have likely learned to get by without it and don't even notice that it's gone, especially if it's not visible when you smile. However, that tooth's absence could create major issues later down the line. As Dr. Mottinger will tell you, your teeth function best when there's a full set; they rely on the support of each other to stay firmly in place. When a tooth is missing, the nearby teeth begin to shift in an attempt to "find" that support. The gradual shifting loosens the tooth's position in the jawbone and can lead to further loss. Without the support of roots, the jawbone begins to recede as well.

How can dental implants help?
Dental implants from your Greensboro dentist, Dr. Mottinger, don't just fill in gaps. They replace the entire structure of a tooth, giving the jawbone and neighboring teeth the support they need to last a lifetime. And unlike dentures, dental implants are permanent, so their maintenance is limited only to regular dental hygiene and checkups. This makes life easier for the patient, allowing them the freedom to chew, smile and relax without worrying about a cleaning and storage regimen.

If you think your smile could benefit from dental implants, give Dr. Michelle Mottinger's office a call in Greensboro, North Carolina. We'd be glad to set you up with an evaluation.